The first two Household Recycling Days for 2025 will be:
- Saturday, April 26 at FDR State Park in Yorktown from 9 am – 3 pm
- Saturday, May 3 at Sprain Ridge Park in Yonkers from 9 am – 3 pm
Due to the extreme popularity of these events, residents may experience extended wait times at these events. Residents who wish to avoid potential wait times, or cannot attend an event, are encouraged to make an appointment at the County's Household Material Recovery Facility (H-MRF) located on the Grasslands Campus at 15 Woods Road, Valhalla, NY. The permanent facility accepts the same items as the HRDs and is open year-round, Tuesday-Saturday.
View our flyer (en español) for more information or call the County's Recycling HelpLine at (914) 813-5425.
HRD's offer an opportunity for residents to recycle household items like old medications, chemicals, paints, electronics, textiles (clothing, footwear, handbags, linens, leather, small area rugs) and more!
At HRDs, service works on a first-come-first-served basis, and in extreme weather when working conditions are deemed unsafe, events may be cancelled or terminated early. The Mobile Shredder is available at all HRDs, but be advised that on occasion the Mobile Shredder unit can reach its maximum capacity for paper shredding before closing time. Although infrequent, residents should be aware of this and open minded of the possibility of an early closure. On the day of an event, residents can call the County's Recycling HelpLine at (914) 813-5425 to check on a cancellation or early closure.
Follow these simple rules:
Remember to close all bags and bottles tightly.
All chemicals must be in original or labeled containers.
Place all chemicals in a sturdy box and in the trunk of your car.
There is no fee, but pre-registration is required for 100 pounds or more of solid material or 25 gallons or more of liquid. To pre-register, call the Recycling HelpLine at (914) 813-5425.
The following items are collected at the events:
Properly labeled household chemicals, including-
Most automotive fluids – antifreeze, brake fluid, gasoline
- Paint (both oil and latex)
Common household cleaners
Flammable liquids – kerosene, butane, charcoal fluid, turpentine
- Textiles (bring in a bag: clothing, footwear, handbags, linen and more!)
Metal, jewelry and furniture polishes, and wood preservatives
Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, photographic and swimming pool chemicals
Fire extinguishers
Propane tanks (1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 pound tanks)
Batteries – only auto, rechargeable and button cell types
Household appliances with Freon – air conditioners, refrigerators, dehumidifier
Mercury thermometers and thermostats
E-waste – items related to communications, including TVs, computers, monitors and related accessories, printers, fax machines, cell phones, radios, stereos, and speakers
Car tires (maximum 4)
Expired or unused pharmaceuticals – both prescription and over the counter
The items below are not accepted. For disposal information, call the Recycling HelpLine at (914) 813-5425.
Non-rechargeable batteries – discard with household trash
Motor oil – take to service station or motor oil retail outlet
Compressed gas cylinders – helium and oxygen tanks
Smoke and fire detectors – (contact manufacturer first for possible return service; dispose of in trash in unable to return)
Explosives – flares, fireworks, ammunition
Medical waste – hypodermic needles
Construction and demolition debris – materials from home improvement and construction projects (e.g. drywall, wood, pipes, fixtures)
Materials from commercial and institutional users