The Source Separation Law sets the parameters for recycling in Westchester and promotes waste reduction in the County by maximizing recycling efforts. The law defines the types of recyclables, requires the separation of solid waste from recyclables at the point of generation, and gives the Department of Environmental Facilities authority to enforce the law. For more detail, please reference the full law.

In 2024, the SSL was updated to include the following provisions for nonresidential waste generators, which are enforceable by DEF:

  1. Every Nonresidential Waste Generator with areas open to the public or visitors shall have separate disposal receptacles for Solid Waste and for Recycling that are clearly marked and identifiable. All such separate disposal receptacles shall be placed in close proximity to each other and shall be available on each floor, in each area, and in any food service area accessible to the public and/or visitors.
  1. The separate disposal receptacles for Recycling shall be either single stream (pulp/paper and comingled/bottles/cans/cartons together) or dual stream (separate disposal receptacles for pulp/paper and separate disposal receptacles for comingled bottles/can/cartons), based upon the Nonresidential Waste Generator’s Source Separation Plan to manage recyclables.
  1. Nonresidential Waste Generators may determine the size, shape, material, and color of any separate disposal receptacle, so long as the receptacles are clearly marked and identifiable so as to avoid the improper mixing of Solid Waste and Recyclables. DEF has prepared electronic signage files, which may be downloaded and used for the clear demarcation of the separate disposal receptacles. 
  1. Nonresidential Waste Generators (their lessee, assigns, operators, managers, etc.) shall comply with reasonable requests for access made by the Department or its Solid Waste Inspectors during the performance of inspections of areas referenced in this section.

To report a suspected violation, file the Recycling Complaint Form with the Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities.

Besides civil and criminal penalties, licensed haulers, who collect solid waste and recyclables, may get their licenses revoked for non-compliance.  In order to operate in Westchester, all haulers are required to be licensed. The licensing program is managed by the Westchester County Solid Waste Commission.


Oops! stickers
While they are still available, Oops! stickers can be used by municipal sanitation departments to label improperly separated waste and recyclables that is left at the curb.

Contact us to request stickers.