• The CompostED facility, located on the Grasslands Campus in Valhalla, is the County’s first small-scale food scrap composting demonstration and education site. Construction broke ground in December, 2020 and officially opened on Earth Day, 2021.
  • The core mission of CompostEd is to educate residents, municipal officials and students on the science and benefits of composting.
  • CompostED hosts interactive tours that engage participants with the compost process, which focus on the science behind the composting process and emphasize the benefits and uses of compost.
  • The tours can accommodate up to 30 students at a time, and are approximately 1 hour 30 minutes in duration.
  • If you would like to schedule a tour of the CompostED facility, please email:
CompostED educational sessions CompostED educational sessions
CompostED educational sessions CompostED educational sessions