CompostED is a registered-scaled compost site, with the capacity to process 2 tons (4,000 lbs.) of food scraps weekly. The 10,000 square foot site (1/4 acre), utilizes Aerated Static Pile (ASP) composting. ASP ensures aerobic conditions by amending the compost piles with oxygen, by blowing air into the piles through an aeration floor. ASP optimizes conditions inside of a compost pile, which in turn reduces odors, and accelerates the compost process. This type of system is typical of food waste compost facilities where odors are a concern, and where high energy feedstock (such as food waste) can be challenging to work with. High temperatures during the composting process kill pathogens and weed seeds. Our finished compost is screened to ΒΌ inch size, creating a valuable soil amendment which is suitable for a broad array of applications, including indoor and outdoor plants.